I first saw SP back in 2007 when they were opening for Flyleaf with Resident Hero and Kill Hannah. I was following the tour from Dallas to Austin, Little Rock and Oklahoma City with a group of friends. We were following Kill Hannah as is our tradition.
At our second show, the one in Austin, I was hanging out on the street outside the club waiting for my friends and Shim came out holding a cardboard box full of CDs, waving one around yelling out "Buy our CD's? We'd like to go to McDonald's!" I bought one and we played it on the road between cities, learning the songs and becoming fans.
Then last year, I got diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I bought Tripolar and played the sh*t out of it during my many doctor visits, hospitalizations, ER trips, surgery recoveries, etc. It helped get me through some really rough times. I'm finally recovering and am ready to get into the World Crew like the KHK and make some friends.