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SPWC • Hey it's kibakesticles
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Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 18:00
by Kestrel
So yeah, I'm kibakesticles from the Ustream chats. I live in the farthest-from-society place in a small state called Vermont that was, until a few years ago, the worst state in the country. However, in the end of 2006 (maybe the beginning of 2007), the only good radio station in Vermont, 99.9 The Buzz, premiered a new song in their daily "Fresh Meat" segment called "All the Same" by an unknown band called Sick Puppies. I was listening during this premiere, and fell in love with it. A few months later, they announced that this band would be playing at the only good music venue in Vermont, Higher Ground, located in Burlington, the only real city in Vermont, and the home of the Buzz, which is over 2 hours from me, but not too far for a concert. And here's the thing: the concert cost 99 CENTS. Obviously, I got a ticket and brought my friend who had never been to a concert before and went. Everything about that show was amazing. Plus, the band was extremely friendly while signing stuff after. And that's all from the first few months I knew about them. That was March 11, 2007, and by July 21, 2008, I had been to FOUR Sick Puppies shows at Higher Ground, having more fun and bringing new people every time. I can't say exactly when I knew I had found my favorite band, but it definitely hasn't changed since then. Now one of the walls in my room is covered with Sick Puppies merch: 2 signed posters, 4 signed tickets, different stickers, and, not too far from it, a signed EP and Dressed Up As Life CD and 3 t-shirts. For a few months, there wasn't much news from Sick Puppies, but it was only because of the recording of their new album, and now a new wave of releases, concerts, and merch has started. Based on the new singles that are out so far, I can't wait. The Ustream chats are awesome and really show how much this band cares about its fans. And I'll be seeing them again at Higher Ground this summer. I just hope I can find a way to get in on the presale, hopefully with the lithograph deal, but the closest FYE is in Burlington, over 2 hours away, and I don't have a car. Anyway, I'm glad to be part of a community who loves this great band as well.

Wow. Wall of text much? Sorry for my life story. I promise all (most) of my posts in the future will be much shorter.

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 19:50
by Donna
Welcome to the forum - glad you made your way here!! I'm going to send you a PM about the pre-sale :biggrin:

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 20:33
by timmyhbass
Welcome to the forum...I'm slightly new myself, but I figure it's still nice to be cordial and whatnot. I admire your strength though. I don't know what I would do is I had to drive 2 hours just to see a good concert or buy a CD...that's gotta be rough! Thank God gor the interweb, ya know?

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 20:52
by Missy
Welcome aboard!!! :wave: I am glad you found your way here! And we don't mind the long posts, this is a good place to come to talk to people who genuinely care and are interested in the same things! I hope you make yourself at home here, and make sure to look at the Points area to get even more cool SP stuff. You may also be interested in applying to be an Ambassador. Let me (or anyone else, really) know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you around! :hug:

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 23:21
by Lori
Welcome! :wave:

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 04:17
by ToniB
Welcome K! Nice to see you found your way here. If you dig the ustream chats and this awesome band (and you obviously do) you will love this forum! Make sure to ask if you have any questions at all!

See you around!

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 05:48
by Katy
Welcome to the forum, I'm glad to see you step out and introduce yourself to everyone! :hug:
(Being an Ambassador is AWESOME ... you should definitely check it out)

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 09:00
by nicolenice
Welcome to the crew, hope to see you around a bunch

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 10:02
by Becky
Welcome to SPWC. :wave:

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 10:37
by Justine
Welcome ! Glad to have you on the board :)

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 12:08
by Lisa
Hey, Welcome to the crew! Have any questions just send me a PM. :smile:

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 13:43
by dressedupaslife
Welcome to our happy family :hug: I'm sure you'll find this to be the friendliest forum on the internet(at least that I know of lol) I've never made it as far north as Vermont on the east coast, but I do plan to make it to all 50 states eventually. It shouldn't take too long though following SP's tour bus as much as I do. :biggrin: If you have any questions or need help finding something on the forum feel free to ask.

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 14:30
by Kestrel
Thanks for all the welcomes. By the way, the awesome radio station I mentioned, 99.9 The Buzz, who played SP before they were well-known, and soon after held the 99 cent show, and 3 soon after at the same place, are playing "You're Going Down" as I type this. That song is getting a great amount of airplay here.

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 14:55
by Missy
Awesome :rock: Glad to hear it!!! Your state may suck like you said, but at least you have a good radio station to listen to :laugh: The radio stations here are really behind the times... I live in Fresno, CA and have yet to hear a single SP song on air, despite my efforts :tantrum: They will regret it though lol

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 16:33
by Kestrel

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 16:46
by Sheila
Welcome to the crew :rock:

I'll probably end up seeing you at the next show at higher ground.... we're just waiting on confirmation of the dates :wink: . I have to agree with you, the buzz ROCKS!!!

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 16:50
by Kestrel

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 19:52
by Shamrock
Welcome to the forum!

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 21:01
by Serge
Welcome aboard!

Re: Hey it's kibakesticles

Posted: 05 Jun 2009 19:26
by Crystal
Welcome! Yes, like Missy said, no problem with long posts, it's all good! :biggrin:

It's so great to have you and you're luckier than most, having airplay on your local station! I've been trying for months and still can't get Minnesota stations to play... Although I'm sure it's only a matter of time!

The ustreams are great and shows how much SP genuinely cares for their fans. I'm glad you've been able to participate in the live broadcasts!

I too, depending on the finalized date, plan to be at the Burlington show! Should be awesome. :cool: