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SPWC • Well I'm late to the punch
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Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 17:43
by siberianknight
A little late to the punch of "introduction" but I found it a little late. I've been a fan since Dressed Up As Life was released, and I didn't find out about them by free hugs. It was actually an advertisement on Imeem for 'their new album' with introductions for each track. I just happened to stumble on that day, and remembered hearing a friend say another friend loved them, so I figured it couldn't really hurt to check out. And now they rank among my most favorite bands, and only after such a short time!

I'm heading to college for an Associate of Arts Degree in Music, due to complications I couldn't study in high school, so I figured it'd be a good idea to take this opportunity and run with it! I'm hoping one day to be either a music teacher, or to start my own band! Maybe even open for Sick Puppies, but like that'd ever happen.

Anyways, that's me! It's nice to be around so many hard-core fans. I feel a little diminished next to some of you, because you're so hard core and devoted, but I'll try my best to be the best member I can! I pretty much got my whole family started on them.

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 17:51
by Katy
Don't feel too intimidated! We're really all just a big family anywho. :biggrin: Either way, welcome to the forum and if you have any trouble navigating your way around, don't hesitate to speak up.

Have you had the chance to see them live in concert yet?

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 17:56
by siberianknight

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 17:59
by Katy
Aww man! Well, with any luck, it won't be that long of a wait. :) Any opinions on Tri-Polar? ( I know, wrong thread but...) have you had the chance to purchase it yet?

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 18:03
by siberianknight

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 18:27
by Katy
See? You are just as much of a die-hard fan like the rest of us! I'm not sure if I've read a better review of Tri-Polar, I love the way you worded that -- it was intriguing and if I hadn't already had the album (I, too, can't seem to remove it from my CD player) that would definitely make me want to give it a listen.

You should check out the Ambassador FAQ section and see if that is something you may be interested in. If you apply, you get all sorts of chances and opportunities to help promote Sick Puppies and spread the good word! Let me know if you have any questions/concerns. :)

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 18:31
by Becky
Welcome to the board. Sorry about your show being canceled...I guess there is no way you can get to the one the day after a few hours away?

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 18:36
by siberianknight

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 18:38
by Katy

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 18:40
by siberianknight

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 23:33
by Serge
Welcome aboard!

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 23:48
by Cassandra
Welcome to the forums! :hug:

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 30 Jul 2009 00:17
by siberianknight
Thank you both very much.

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 30 Jul 2009 04:31
by ToniB
Welcome siberian! It's always great to find a new (to us) fan! Hope to see you around the boards!

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 30 Jul 2009 07:56
by Lisa
Hi and welcome to the forum! :smile:

Re: Well I'm late to the punch

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 14:26
by Missy
I know I'm kinda late here :oops: but WELCOME!!! :hug: My mom (dtzyblonde47 here) actually has the exact tattoo you were looking to get. :biggrin: It's awesome, and if you'd like I can try to find a pic on my computer and post it here for you... Or you can go find it on my myspace page www.myspace.com/missylovesevanescence

Where do you work, if you don't mind my asking? I am a store manager for a fast food restaurant that has "No visible tattoos" in the policies, but I got one on my wrist and just wear a sweat band over it... I think the "no tattoos" policy is bull... but that's just me :angrytongue: LOL

Anyways, I think you will enjoy it here! And if you have any questions or just need someone to talk to, I'm a message away! :hug: