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SPWC • Hey everyone, I'm new!
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Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 09:06
by Shaylie
Alright, so my name is Shaylie and i'm 17 years old. I love the sick puppies! I play bass guitar, Guitar (electric and acoustic), piano, and drums. I'm best at the bass and guitar though. I love the movies "I Love You, Man" and "Eagle vs. Shark".
Just recently (september 21st) Sick puppies came and played at my home town in Medford, Or! They opened for Shinedown with cavo and Adelitas Way! It was so awsome! I think the sick puppies were the best! Thats the only reason i went! but i now really like cavo, Adelitas way and Shinedown! After the concert my sister and i hung out with Cavo while waiting to get pictures with the sick puppies! They were hilarious and we got pictures with them as well! I could barely talk though cuz i lost my voice at the concert! xD hahaha
When the sick puppies were signing Autographs me and my sister were first in line! Then we stood to the side and stared at shim and told him we love him! hahaha i know it was sooo not mature but come on it was awsome! Hahahaha and then he would make faces at us!
We finaly got in line for the pictures and it was awsome! i was first and i stood between shim and emma! Then me and my sister asked shim if we could have a hug! and of course he said yes! that was so awsome!
So yeah! thats me! i also love art and photography!

<3 Shaylie :music:

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 10:10
by Becky
Welcome to the board!

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 11:45
by Justine
Welcome to the board !

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 12:32
by Zach
Thanks for the introduction, and welcome! If you need help with anything here, please just ask and we will get you squared away. :)

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 13:55
by siberianknight
Welcome! And I'm sure everyone will agree when I say Zack speaks for everyone on the forum! If there's anything any of us (even us regular members!) can help you with, don't be afraid to ask!

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 14:28
by paulmason
siberianknight's comment gets the paulmason approval, which is totally unofficial and what nobodies heard of, or cares about...yet :biggrin:

if u need anythin just ask :wink: (no im not going to buy you a new car)
although if i was a gizillionmillionkahillybillyzillionare i totally would.

anyways have fun! :wave:

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 14:52
by Cassandra
Welcome to the boards, Shaylie! :hug: I Love You, Man is a great movie. :laugh:

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 15:24
by Odd One
Welocme Shaylie. Good to see another Oregonian SP fan on the board. Stoked you had a blast at the show!

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 17:13
by Lisa
Welcome Shaylie.

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 18:18
by Christian
Welcome shaylie! Once again it is soo amazing to have a fellow oregonian on the board and that is in love with the band. Please feel free to PM me or any ambassadors or mods if you have any questions. We would all be glad to help you. I really wanted to go to this show but couldn't make it due to the lack of gas money and the five hour drive. :laugh: But if I had a car and the money I SOO would have been there. Glad to see you liked it. Maybe we can get together if they come back or oregon. Welcom again. :smile:

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 22:03
by brittany_71

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 25 Sep 2009 09:18
by Shaylie

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 25 Sep 2009 09:51
by Zach
My first recommendation would be to check out the "Random" subforum. It has a bunch of fun threads to get you acquainted with people here. :)

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 25 Sep 2009 10:22
by Odd One
And don't forget to vote in the Tri-polar survivor thread.......if your the masochistic type!! :laugh:

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 25 Sep 2009 13:18
by Shaylie

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 26 Sep 2009 16:42
by Stacey

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 26 Sep 2009 22:31
by Lori
Welcome Shaylie! :wave:

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 29 Sep 2009 08:34
by Shaylie
Yay! Thank you Stacey and Lori! :drool: :biggrin:

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 01 Oct 2009 12:15
by patrickdron

Re: Hey everyone, I'm new!

Posted: 11 Oct 2009 11:46
by Missy
I know I'm a bit late here, but welcome to the family :hug:

I'm sorry you missed out on the Ev/SP tour! That was the BEST week of my life, hands down! (saw them 3 times within a week all over California :biggrin: ) That's actually how I (and a LOT of others here) fell in love with The Pups!

Anywho... I loom forward to seeing you around! And as everyone else has said, ask away if you have any questions!!! :hug: