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SPWC • Another SP recuit from FL.
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Another SP recuit from FL.

Posted: 22 Apr 2010 18:08
by dwronski
I have seen quite a few recent recruits from the ORLANDO, FL show on the 19th.

My story is slightly different but still similar to most. I was actually very familiar with who the Sick Puppies were and had heard they put on a great show. I had been listening to some tracks on LAST FM and watched YouTube vids so I was pretty excited come concert time. Before the Pups came on stage I decided to pick up the New cd TRIPOLAR because I had been holding out buying the cd because I knew I could pick it up at the concert. They ended up throwing the new EP and poster in the mix with the purchase of the cd so it was a great deal. The attendant at the booth advised me after their set they would be signing posters and having a meet and greet. So anyways I rushed in and caught their set (which was awesome) and immediately went back out into the concourse for the meet and greet. This is where I was blow away. I have met quite a few bands before but never saw ones that appreciated their fans and were as gracious as this band. The security was rushing them and not allowing pictures at the time but Shimon had said their was another signing after Nickelback and then maybe a picture would be possible. I went back after the show and was able to meet the band all over again and they were just as gracious the second time around. I shook Shimons hand and thanked him for the the pic and told the band again how much I enjoyed the show. They all made me feel as a fan they were just excited to meet me as I was them. It is something I have never seen from a band before.

Sorry for the wall-o-text but I just wanted to share my story on how I became a fan. I had no idea what a strong community of fans there was either. After the concert I came and joined this site.

Re: Another SP recuit from FL.

Posted: 22 Apr 2010 18:28
by angelbear425
Welcome! :smile: SP really is great to their fans. They appreciate us so much and never fail to show it!

Re: Another SP recuit from FL.

Posted: 22 Apr 2010 18:36
by Becky
Welcome to the board! Glad to have you. :smile:

Re: Another SP recuit from FL.

Posted: 22 Apr 2010 18:56
by Cassie

Re: Another SP recuit from FL.

Posted: 22 Apr 2010 20:32
by MarixD
Welcome to the board.
I hope you have tons of fun here.

Re: Another SP recuit from FL.

Posted: 22 Apr 2010 22:39
by Gabby
I have a special place in my heart for all the new Florida fans, so be prepared to be smothered. :laugh:

Welcome to the Crew!

Re: Another SP recuit from FL.

Posted: 23 Apr 2010 00:58
by Cassandra
Welcome to the boards! :hug:

Re: Another SP recuit from FL.

Posted: 23 Apr 2010 02:14
by David
Don't worry about the 'wall-o-text'....we love those stories. Its awesome you had a great time, sounds like you got the full experiance. Super cool you got a pic with the band....you should post that up here.

Welcome to the boards....as you have noticed we are a very strong community of fans, feel free to get involved....there is always a lot of fun stuff you can do on here. We frequently have great contests and always have oppurtunities to work on promoting the band online. We need all the help we can get.

If you have any questions about the World Crew or the forum in general, please feel free to PM myself or any other Ambassador.

Re: Another SP recuit from FL.

Posted: 23 Apr 2010 05:49
by Katy
Welcome to the forum! :hug: Thanks for sharing your story! I was blown away too when I first had the opportunity to meet the band; they really do take the time to meet every person possible. :biggrin:

Re: Another SP recuit from FL.

Posted: 23 Apr 2010 06:21
by Juliesnaps
welcome to the boards :)

Re: Another SP recuit from FL.

Posted: 23 Apr 2010 11:53
by Stacey