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SPWC • Hey Hey from the UK
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Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 04:11
by Carmen
Hey. I'm Carmen. I'm 23 (well nearly) and from the Berkshire, England :smile:

It's been ages since I've been new to a forum. I administrated the evfanclub.com and moderated evthreads.com for god knows how many years! I thought it would now be time for me to move on a take my place in a new community for a band I'm proper sharing the love with!

You all seem like a friendly community so can't wait to fit in hopefully!


p.s. You have so much staff here!

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 04:14
by Sheila
Welcome to the board!

Always nice to see fans from the other side of the pond!

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 04:17
by Justine
Yaaaaay, a new european fan on the board ! :p
Welcome ! If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask :)

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 04:21
by Carmen
It's crazy that they aren't known more over here yet. They really need to get over here and tour :tongue:

I was talking to Emma on facebook about a UK gig only to find it was London, Canada not London England. Durr! haha

Ooh France Sheila. Just a puddle away! :tongue:

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 04:26
by Justine
I know... That sucks, cause I'm sure lots of people would LOVE their music.
And lmao at the London show.

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 04:52
by Katy
Welcome to the forum! :hug: It's always great to meet someone new.

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 05:00
by Becky

We do have a lot of staff, but a lot of people don't realize how massive this board is when it's opened up completely...all the Ambassador forums. :surprised:

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 07:03
by Cassie

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 08:30
by Juliesnaps
welcome to the boards :)

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 08:33
by JenAdams
Hey hey Carmen!! Welcome!! Look forward to seeing you on the boards.

XO Jen

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 14:44
by David
Welcome to the boards!!!

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 03 May 2010 22:35
by psycolovermonkey
:smile: Welcome 2 the family :wave:

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 04 May 2010 00:17
by Cassandra
Welcome to the boards Carmen! :hug:

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 04 May 2010 02:44
by Carmen
Thanks for all the welcomes :smile:

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 04 May 2010 05:28
by Becky
If you fill out this form we will upgrade your account to World Crew Member (name in white) and the Ask The Band, Messages from the Band and other Word Crew forums will open up to you.

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 04 May 2010 10:22
by angelbear425
Welcome! :smile:

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 04 May 2010 11:12
by Stacey

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 04 May 2010 18:27
by Lisa
Welcome, Carmen! :smile:

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 05 May 2010 23:49
by Cody Lee
I have a few friends in the UK, part of a Halo clan I've been in for about 6 years (<--- nerd lol). Welcome aboard!

Re: Hey Hey from the UK

Posted: 07 May 2010 17:33
by Dominique
Welcome!!! :hug: