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SPWC • Hey, I'm new to the SPWC
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Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 15 Jul 2010 18:15
by Tabitharees
What's up? My name's Tabitha, and I've actually been a Sick Puppies fan for a while. It is just that until now, I have yet to have 24/7 internet access to do anything, so I'm taking advantage of it.

Like most people, I heard All the Same first (about a year ago), on an alternative rock radio station, though I remember seeing a cover for "Tri-Polar" and thinking the band name was wicked cool. Then, after seeing the video for-what else?-You're Going Down, I just got obsessed. Mostly with Shim. :laugh: I looked their song names, and liked the song title "Issues" so I looked it up and Youtube and I think it went something like this: :love: So I immediately saved up for "Dressed Up as Life".

I sorta consider Sick Puppies my "dream band". Obviously, I have and had a lot of favorite bands. Depeche Mode, Green Day, Incubus, My Chemical Romance, etc. But their styles are always a little too something, and not perfect. SP's style, like songs that start out slow and go out fast, or that weird flawlessness their instruments have when together, just seemed like the music I'd always been looking for. Their lyrics are extremely relatable, the music videos are cinematic, the opening riffs just get to you (thanks, Emma!), the songs are all unique and memorable in their own ways, it's just everything about them. It's one of the few modern band where I feel like I'm listening to true music. The fact that they have Australian accents and are probably the most attractive band alive, well, that is just a bonus.

My favorite songs by them are probably Every Day (mainly the video, because Shim in a straitjacket is makes me sorta :drool:), Rock Kids (lyrics!), Pitiful (best instrumental around the end), Issues (turned me onto them), Odd One (obviously the lyrics), and I Hate You (the tone and voice, mostly). I love all of them though; never met an SP song I didn't like. :smile:

Well, I'm just hoping to make friends with people who feel the same way, too!

http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php? ... 0662471113

Thanks, guys! :rock: SICK F'N PUPPIES!

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 15 Jul 2010 18:22
by BreezyB12
Welcome Tabitha :wave:

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 15 Jul 2010 18:32
by stephb
Welcome to the boards Tabitha.

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 15 Jul 2010 18:39
by Cassandra
Welcome to the boards Tabitha! :hug:

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 15 Jul 2010 20:17
by Juliesnaps
welcome to the boards :)

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 15 Jul 2010 20:27
by Stacey

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 15 Jul 2010 21:01
by psycolovermonkey
:hi: Hi Tabitha(I luv your name) :wave: Welcome to the family :hi: Sounds like your gunna have alot of friends :wink: :laugh:

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 15 Jul 2010 21:54
by jlie19
Welcome to the forum...there are a lot of great people here. Theres tons and tons of stuff to look at. Have fun and hope to see you here often. :rock:

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 15 Jul 2010 23:30
by listentothemusic
Welcome Tabitha. From your "opening statement" sound like you're quite a talker. :laugh: Just what we need around here. :wink:

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 15 Jul 2010 23:32
by Tabitharees
Thanks everyone, I feel super-welcome. :smile:

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 16 Jul 2010 01:48
by araida_8@hotmail.com

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 17 Jul 2010 08:30
by Becky
Welcome to the board!

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 17 Jul 2010 11:20
by Lisa
Hi Tabitha, Welcome to the crew! :smile:

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 17 Jul 2010 11:48
by DanielWillmusic

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 17 Jul 2010 11:50
by My World
Welcome to the ummmm what everyone else said :wave:

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 16:25
by crystal08
Welcome! :)

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 17:43
by angelbear425

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 07:03
by Justine
Welcome !!

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 01 Aug 2010 15:22
by David
Welcome!!! and Hello!!! :hi:

Re: Hey, I'm new to the SPWC

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 08:42
by JenAdams
Welcome to the family, Tabitha! You have A LOT in common with many people here! :wink: