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SPWC • How I became a fan
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How I became a fan

Posted: 19 May 2011 05:41
by Dane
Hi guys,
It all started when I gave up everything to take care of my Dad, who became ill with cancer. I hadnt been home in fifteen years and with his phonecall i was back home in a month. I gave up my career, house, most all of my possesions, and later ended up divorced. Two years forward , my father passed and sixmonths later my brother, then my stepdad. ( year span) Being depressed my girlfriend left also and then i saw the vidieo "Odd One" That reminded me of her and how she helped me ect. I was hooked <Tuned in and Turned on by this new sound. Listening to other songs ,they seem to relate to my current issues and helped me through some dark days in my life (THANK YOU) . I recently went to the Seattle show (YEAH!!) and waited outside to meet you guys to say thank you for being the peeps that you are and what/how your music has helped me.
I couldnt get a braclet to see you after the show ( 300 sold out fast) which is cool life is what it is and maybe NEXT TIME YOUR HERE, PLEASE COME BACK. Forever a Fan, Dane

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 19 May 2011 07:15
by Juliesnaps
that's a very moving story and I'm sorry for your loss. Welcome to the crew :)

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 19 May 2011 07:23
by stephb
Wow sorry for all your losses. I am glad that you could connect to the music in such a way. Welcome to the boards :wave:

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 19 May 2011 12:01
by angelbear425
Welcome, Dane!

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 19 May 2011 14:46
by Brianna
I'm sorry for your hardships. Welcome!!! :smile:

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 19 May 2011 16:16
by josiep
Since i was a kid of about 9,music has helped pull me through situations that seemed dark,bleak.

Thank God (or whoever she is*wink*) that she or He positioned angels in disguise as musicians...or vice versa eh?

welcome to ya and i hope happier days are ahead for ya


Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 19 May 2011 18:36
by Cassandra
Welcome! :hug: Sorry for all your losses.

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 19 May 2011 18:47
by Dane
Thank you, Ive always turned towards music in troubled times, and yes I believe in angelic intervention. It was really cool how most of the SP songs fit a mood i was in or even invoking a mood to bring the hurt out so i could process it. I wonder if Emma Shim, and Mark , read these post. I so much wanted to thank them in Seattle, but missed my chance.

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 19 May 2011 18:53
by Dane
Trikkah, By the angle of your concert pic you were a few people away from me. Cool.
That was such a cool place for a show , it felt like you were at a big house party.

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 19 May 2011 20:04
by Becky
Welcome! Emma has been signed in a lot lately, not sure what she has or has not been reading, though. There is a chance she has read it. Most of her posts are in the "Ask The Band" threads, so your best bet may be to post your message there.

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 19 May 2011 20:36
by ElizaBeth
Music is an outlet for every emotion, it always has been. I'm truly sorry about your losses, but I think you may have found either a family or at least a few good friends here. I've only been a member for a few months and I feel so welcomed here. :smile:

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 20 May 2011 16:00
by WelcomeWagonTeam
Hello Dane! :wave: On behalf of the Sick Puppies and Sick Puppies World Crew we would like to thank you for joining us and welcome you to the forum. If you have any questions or need any assistance at all please feel free to ask one of our Ambassador in the "Ask An Ambassador" thread found here: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=4514 Someone will get back to you shortly. We are glad to have you as part of the World crew. :hug:

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 20 May 2011 22:41
by crystal08
Welcome Dane :wave:

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 20 May 2011 23:06
by Dane
Thanks crystal08 , Josie im already feeling better and thank you also. I belive in angels and celestial interventions and things alike. Im in college now to get my mind on something different. Ellizabeth, I already feel welcome , as far as i can remmember ive had music playing or music was either being sung or played in our house. It crosses all bounds and cultures and can connect people without the trapppings of social status. Got to love it

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 26 May 2011 05:01
by Stacey
Welcome! :smile:

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 28 May 2011 23:49
by Heather
Welcome Dane! :)

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 04 Jun 2011 03:58
by Dane
Thanks guys Ive immersed myself in college and i have just completed my first year. I have a desire to some how find a way to follow the Sick Puppies to every concert on their next American tour. I am going to need help to try and accomplish this goal.

Re: How I became a fan

Posted: 05 Jun 2011 14:57
by ShesOnlyRockNRoll
Welcome Dane. Sorry life has been so rough for you. Your amongst friends here. You will see.
