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SPWC • Perfect
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Posted: 04 Nov 2011 16:26
by 1027viper
What is perfect?

Is it something we can become?
is it something we have to be for our parents?
Does this world even deserve to have perfection?
Noone can really define perfection. To me its just a word describing hypocrites n the critics who think they are better then everyone else. Parents don't understand tht us teens are a lot dffrent then wat they were as teens. Were not gonna be tht perfect son/daughter they want us to be. This world is too full of sin. Its to corrupt with politics and religious wars. If only the idea of perfection, peace, and true justice was reality. Overall iots just a dream. Its wat ppl look forward to. And for all the kids who r bullies or think its rite to harass us bc were not like the rest of u in school just back off. Ppl like me don't want to fit in. Were focused on a future. We want to try and change the world. But is change even possible? You tell me.

Re: Perfect

Posted: 04 Nov 2011 16:42
by Snowmonkies
Well said. I gotta agree with you :smile:
Perfection can be a messed up concept.

Re: Perfect

Posted: 04 Nov 2011 16:48
by 1027viper
overall ik it is. Just im tired of how everyone wants perfection in this world. ITS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!

Re: Perfect

Posted: 04 Nov 2011 16:51
by Snowmonkies
It would save people so much stress if they just learned to enjoy things for how they are :/

Re: Perfect

Posted: 04 Nov 2011 16:52
by 1027viper
ya but we could do w/o all the dictators n hypocrites n critics n wars n sh*t

Re: Perfect

Posted: 13 Nov 2011 11:57
by Loverdearest
perfection is overrated. i'm sick of trying to be perfect for parents, for ppl who don't think that i'll ever be something in life. i'm sick of the world trying to be perfect just so the can fit in. it's stupid. you either take me as i am, or you watch me as i move on with my life. i'm not gonna sit around and try to make myself ur image of perfection. in my view im fine just the way i am. everyones fine the way we are. and trying to be perfect for someone else, ur just letting them control your actions and your thoughts. So much for being an individual.


Re: Perfect

Posted: 13 Nov 2011 12:35
by 1027viper
So true. n uk i think ur perfect the way u r. u dont have to change hell babe i dont want u too uk i love ya

Re: Perfect

Posted: 13 Nov 2011 14:05
by CookieMonster24
There is no such thing as their perfection. Perfection is just their excuse to be an ass. I prefer to be perfectly imperfect. Makes me unique and strong and know one f*ck with me. Perfection is a dream in a way because it's something we stride to be. Perfection isn't being like some celebrity or some bully who thinks their God. Its being a better person.

Re: Perfect

Posted: 13 Nov 2011 14:40
by Loverdearest
i don't believe in perfection period. it's bullshit. it's an excuse for normality.

define normal

define perfect

can't do it can you?

that's what i thought.

Re: Perfect

Posted: 13 Nov 2011 16:35
by Snowmonkies
"I recognize that I'm damaged; I sympathize that you are too; But I wanna breathe without feelin' so self-conscious; But it's hard when the world's starin' at you; ... I'll never be what I see on the tv screen"
Perfection is a man-made illusion kept up by society and the media to give people something to pursue. Nothing in this world will ever be perfect because perfection is an ever changing unattainable idea. Perfection makes people angry and depressed because of impossible expectations being set and they are never able to meet these expectations. Normality is also a lie. It's an excuse for people to pick and choose who they will accept and who they will not. I will not change to fit these images that are shoved into my face- ones from peers, ones from family, ones from the media. I'm sorry society, but it's not humanly possible to become a photoshop mutant or to become what everyone wants when no matter how much you try nobody will accept what you are anyway.
Actually, I'm not sorry at all. SCREW YOU SOCIETY.
My time is better spent not caring than worrying that I got a 99% on a test instead of 100% plus extra credit, or that I'm not pretty enough for not spending an hour of my morning fixing my appearance.
We are not robots. We are humans. Mistakes are what humans do. If we were all perfect there would be no mistakes from which to learn.

Re: Perfect

Posted: 14 Nov 2011 12:43
by 1027viper
So true.