I'm afraid of......

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Sam » 09 Jan 2010 19:21

Spiders but I don't really freak out when I see one, I just kill it really quick. But if I dream about them, it's the one nightmare that will wake me up. No matter how hard I'm sleeping.
:zz: + Spiders = :surprised: :shocked: :tantrum:

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Sam » 09 Jan 2010 19:25

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Ravenkitty » 10 Jan 2010 09:24

Heights.OMG I cant stand going over the second story ANYWHERE. Like houses (small ones that are 2 story) are okay but if its a hotel or something hell to the no.
My husband LOVES being like on the 20th floor of a building. not I.
I will be on the ground. LOL
If we stay somewhere its ALWAYS ground floor if possible.
I will totally hypervenilate going over the 2nd story.
I wont even ride roller coasters because of it.

Water I cant see the bottom of.. and bridges . Like LONG bridges. Over 1/4 of a mile long .. hell to the no again.
If possible I drive 85 + getting across a bridge thats long just to get to the other side ASAP.
(I do retain the speed limit after ..promise LOL)

I have this horrifying vision of my minivan plunging off the bridge into this nasty water and I cant get ALL of my kids out. (4 of them) by myself :(

And Ill take you for who you are...

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Mandi » 10 Jan 2010 11:27


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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Mandi » 10 Jan 2010 11:32

My biggest fear ever since I can remember....the CIA. (big brother, i know you're watching. :laugh: )

Roaches (living in louisiana with oak trees everywhere, they're unavoidable :ugh: )

Metal grates/drains/man holes (I watched baby Jessica real time when i was about 3 or 4 and i'm scarred for life. AND i work in a chemcial plant. HA. i get to gross a metal grate catwalk every day.--i'm slowly getting better. You DO NOT want to walk behid me in a city. I'll come to a dead stop to avoid walking over the aforementioned...)


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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby brittany_71 » 10 Jan 2010 12:20

well i have a couple as well,
im scared of... bugs, snakes, bees, fish, the dark(have to sleep with a lamp on), bad thunderstorms and death in general scares me

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Dominique » 10 Jan 2010 13:19

dying in a painful way...

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Gabby » 10 Jan 2010 22:40

I just realized today that I am terrified of rejection. If there is any threat of being turned down, I avoid the situation.

Complex, much?

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Kendra » 11 Jan 2010 15:31

I'm afraid of the unknown. I'm graduating college in the spring and have no idea what I'm gonna do. Needless to say, I'm freakin out about it. I try to remember that change can be a good thing, but I really hate not knowing whats coming next.

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Chris88 » 20 Feb 2010 22:14

im afraid of heights, i get light headed and shaky standing close to any kind of edge higher than a few stories. yet i love roller coasters the higher and more loops the better lol, i guess being latched in makes it ok...

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby wrxracer24 » 21 Feb 2010 18:55

just about everything but mostly heights, death, gov't entities, anyone w/power, being alone for the rest of my life :cry:

You think it's all just playing, fun and games
You're treating it like a joke
Some people say they wanna be me
This life can be very deceiving
It's just your state of mind

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby David » 22 Feb 2010 00:01

Still heights, I worked for 2 weeks in the worlds largest rail yard in North Platte NB a couple weeks ago, I was on over 60 locomotives.....going up and down the ladder I was fine because you couldn't see the height, but in the shop they have platforms that are the height of the locomotive deck. To get on it, some of them you have to make a up to a 3 foot "leap of faith" to board. Some you couldn't even get anything to grab until after the step. I eventually got used to it, but the first couple days were not good, a couple times I completely froze up and had to go walk around for 10 minutes and try it again.

Also, sometimes I would go out the back door and walk down the side if I needed one that was in the string. The ledge is pretty narrow, there is a railing but the posts are 3-4 feet apart. I couple of them were covered in ice.

I DO!!!!

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Katy » 22 Feb 2010 05:09

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Becky » 22 Feb 2010 05:26

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby Juliesnaps » 22 Feb 2010 07:30

I'm so tempted to say this:

Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera,
Backstreet Boys and *Nsync,
I don't know what they think.


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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby David » 22 Feb 2010 08:48

I DO!!!!

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Re: I'm afraid of......

Unread postby paulmason » 22 Feb 2010 09:08

im afraid of when i have to do easy work, i get really stressed and i come to a blank. its rather hard to describe. if i look at the dish washer and its packed full, i will stand around wasting my time rather than starting it to get it over with. its not a laziness thing, i just get freaked out and i feel as if i CANT do it, even though i obviously can. if it takes effort and isnt as repetative, then i can usually cope better. it also effects my studying and housework, (you think im lying now :laugh: ) but it seriously does scare me, i honestly cant do them. i can do them in bits at a time but it takes me long, and if i need to clean the house for a deadline, i usually get freaked out.

im not the master of the universe, i walk the earth the wrong way

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