because My son is awesome

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because My son is awesome

Unread postby Ravenkitty » 10 Feb 2010 20:24

He is 11 and ALL about eating EVERYTHING in our house right now. LOL
He is totally determined to eat me out of house and home.
Anyways he had a science project due today of the solar system.

So he googled some info on what model he could build.
Well he came across some cakes. yes.. cakes of the solar system.
and it was all downhill from there.
I emailed his teacher getting the go ahead to do his project and we worked on it yesterday evening for him to take to class today.

Made HUGE sun , and then the planets were cupcakes of various sizes.
Frosted them in all the right colors.. after telling him NOT to eat 1/2 a container of frosting LOL
sprinkles and all that jazz.
Loaded up some paper plates and plastic forks and hauled him and his project to school this morning bright and early.

he got home at 4 and promptly burst through the door with a empty pan and screamed I GOT A A+++. lol
hes the only kid I know that would totally do any project he could.. in food.
his science fair entry was how to make ice cream LOL using the ziploc bag method.

anyways, it was awesome. Ill have to upload pictures tomorrow to show. LOL

And Ill take you for who you are...

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Re: because My son is awesome

Unread postby Juliesnaps » 10 Feb 2010 20:55

OMG...I wish I was in his class today!!! I read my bio book, does that qualify me for cake? LOL

I'm sure it made for a great presentation and that you guys had lots of fun making it!

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Re: because My son is awesome

Unread postby Becky » 12 Feb 2010 05:44

:laugh: That's cute. Sounds like you guys put a lot of work into it...I'm glad he got an A!

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