Sick Puppies Join Fight Against Global Poverty

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Sick Puppies Join Fight Against Global Poverty

Unread postby Susanna » 10 May 2011 16:57

Did you know that over 1.4 billion people in the world are living on less than $1.50 a day? Can you imagine having to provide for yourself and your family on so little? Sick Puppies want to help join the fight against Global Poverty by raising awareness.

Will you step up with us for five days and take the challenge?

More details to follow from us, and more details on how you can help and be a part of the CHANGE here:

16 May - 20 May 2011

Change Your Perspective, Change the World.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world…” - Ghandi

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Re: Sick Puppies Join Fight Against Global Poverty

Unread postby alyaKcM21 » 10 May 2011 21:05

I'm joining with my friend and we are gonna own this thing!!!!

Sick Puppies was mah first concert <3

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Re: Sick Puppies Join Fight Against Global Poverty

Unread postby jacyf » 13 May 2011 13:59

This seems very unrealistic living in America where prices are so inflated already. I worry more about sustainabilty. Check out the overseas sustainability programs of done by S.C. Johnson Co. on their website.
Tips for those who want to try this challenge are 1. Buy in bulk and store it yourself. 2. Keep sales dates in mind and 3.use coupons on double value days. 4. Split the cost of buying in bulk with others.
Good luck to all who try this.

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