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SPWC • I am going to CRY!!!
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I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:37
by PushyGirl86
So I just got these tickets for a local show here in Rochester NY, no SP though. then 3 days later they post a show not too far from here the day before!!! :wall:
I want to go so bad I want to cry. I am so upset. I emailed the company who sells the other tix I got (local place not ticketmaster so I am hoping I have a chance!) If I CAN get a refund (cant afford to do both shows) Then I can get tickets to the Sick Puppies show happening on July 31st (well its called Krock-a-thon, in Syracuse NY)
HELP! I dont know what I am going to do!!! :noclue:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:12
by Tammy
Hopefully since you are dealing with what sounds like a local ticket place they will do an exchange for you...probably easier to deal with someone like that than Ticketmaster...good luck girlie :hug: :hug:

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:38
by Julie

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 11:13
by PushyGirl86
Julie, thats the one I am talking about :biggrin: Yeah I have tickets to a show the day after krockathon which is the 30th, (31st) in Rochester. SO you can see why I am a little upset with myself :wall:
I will just have to wait and see what I can do once I hear back if I can get a refund...And the show i have tickets to are Bush, hollywood undead, airborn toxic event...and a couple others.


Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 12:07
by Julie

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 12:27
by PushyGirl86
Cool. Thats if I have the tickets by saturday (they were supposed to mail them a day ago, but I stil dont have them...) Thanks for the tip though! will deff check it out :smile:

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 16:10
by WonSickPuppy
I soooo hope you can work something out. StubHub is certainly an option, or maybe even Craigslist. I might have to buy another painting from you so you can go, lol! Seeing the band is like breathing...it have to be done for the survival of our species! :rock:

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 16:14
by angelbear425

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 18:36
by PushyGirl86

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 19:46
by angelbear425

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 10 Jun 2011 05:11
by PushyGirl86
Of course. :smile: I am lead ambassador for that show so I will be around when the band is doing their signings. Have you ever been to KRockathon before? [/quote]

I honestly cant remember! haha I am not sure that when I was them in '08 in Weedsport was krockathon or not! lol I am deff excited! I have a buyer for the tickets today! so in the a.m. Im driving 45 mins to go buy tickets!
Its gotta be incredible to cover a show! Do you get to see them for a bit? Tht would be a dream for me! lol I would love to show them my SP tattoo!

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 10 Jun 2011 08:20
by angelbear425

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 10 Jun 2011 08:35
by PushyGirl86

Yes, That was KRockathon. Ugh! Probably one of the worst shows I have ever been at. Security was ridiculous and the security in the front of the pit was asanine! They would not allow me to wear in my necklace/bracelet because they said that I was going to swing them around and use them as weapons. Then when I was in the front of the pit this big (over 6') larger girl was punching people and tried to choke me for my spot and "security" wouldn't do anything about it.

Sometimes I get to see them for a bit after shows, but for something like this I definitely won't. They sign and then are taken right backstage. (Personally, I wouldn't want to hang out in that crowd either..)

I know what you mean about that show! Some girl started crap with me, and they security guy wouldnt do crap! and I was right up front and she was getting pissy. Also a few younger dip shits tried to take my husband down! girls none the less! People!
God I hope this one will be a little bit better. As long as I get to see the band I dont care about the people.
Still has got to be a cool thing to do for ya!

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 10 Jun 2011 08:44
by angelbear425
Just don't bring your camera or wear jewelry. Also hang out in the back instead of trying to be in front and you will be fine. :laugh: (That is what I learned in my 2 experiences there. Though some guy tried to start a fight with my bff, Matt last time and we were just doing what security wasn't doing.)

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 10 Jun 2011 09:18
by PushyGirl86
YIKES! seriously!!?! I want to wear my Emma necklace! :ugh: And I was going to try and bring something to take pics, I never have at any show! Not even my iPod? lol And thanks for the tips!

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 10 Jun 2011 20:43
by AdamLabo
All of us SP maniacs need to meet up somewhere at KRockathon.

Tickets go on sale tomorrow at a bunch of places in the Syracuse area. I did call the KRock business office to see if they would be available online. The woman answering the phone did say they would be after tomorrow and to keep checking www.krock.com to see where. She said they wouldn't be available via PayPal though. On a side note, they are limiting tickets to 20,000 - so you better have your money ready this week or you may be SOL.

I am getting my tickets tomorrow for my wife and I. But I am also hoping to get my media credentials to take photographs, so maybe I'll have one to sell eventually. The SP publicist said he couldn't help me get a photo pass, so I have to rely on other means! lol

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 10 Jun 2011 21:40
by angelbear425

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 11 Jun 2011 03:22
by PushyGirl86

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 11 Jun 2011 05:55
by AdamLabo
www.frontgatetickets.com is where you can purchase them online.

Re: I am going to CRY!!!

Posted: 11 Jun 2011 10:02
by PushyGirl86
I went out and bought them this morning!!! YES!!!!