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SPWC • Sick Puppies song featured in new movie
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Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 05:07
by philmoore
White Balloons is featured in the new movie 'Submerged', created by none other than Shims dad (thats me). The film has a special premiere screening at the Avoca Beach Cinema on the NSW Central Coast , Australia. August 1, 7pm. Local fans can book tickerts at the theatre http://www.avocabeachpicturetheatre.com.au/.

Hopefully there will be Festival screenings in the US and other parts of the world in the coming months. Whatever you can do to help support this film would be greatly appreciated. To find out more visit http://www.submergedmovie.net.

View the trailer at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV7vrSNSYDE


Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 09:08
by angelbear425
Hi Phil,

First of all I want to welcome you to the World Crew. Shim is such a great person and a killer musician. Second, the trailer for Submerged looks super cool and I hope that I will have the opportunity to see the entire movie at some point. Hopefully, it will be released in the US at some point.

Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 09:13
by dlcramer
That's awesome. Thank you for sharing that and please keep us posted of any U.S. release!

Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 09:56
by Jessamy
Thanks for coming on the boards and letting us know! I really hope I get to see it it looks awesome!=]

Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 18:44
by hamjen
Hi! It is great to hear from Shim's dad!!! Welcome! Watched the trailer and it looks awesome! Will be keeping eyes peeled for US release for sure! On a fellow parental note I just want to say that you raised an amazing son! Such a sweetheart and soooo much talent! Thanks for posting!

Jenny- Michigan

Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 21:25
by Cocoth
Hi Phil!
Welcome and thank you for sharing the info. What a exciting news to us fans!!!! And another great step to their world domination!! I'm looking forward to the US release date. :smile:

Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 22:20
by Heather
Hi Phil, welcome to SPWC!!! :wave: Thank you very much for posting this here, it looks awesome! I really hope it will be available in the US sometime in the future.

You have an amazing son, he is not only such a super-talented musician, he's a wonderful person! :smile:

Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 23:43
by Brianna
Hey there, Phil! Its awesome to have you on the boards! Welcome! The trailer looks like it'd be a great movie so I'm definitely interested now! I really hope it gets released in the US!

Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 05:49
by gams13
Welcome Mr. Moore!!!!! Thanks for sharing the info and it's great to have you on board!!! :crazy:

Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 11:48
by josiep
so glad to see you here!!! this is such a wonderful family.....and to think it wouldn't have happened without ya!!

we will be on the lookout for US screenings

thanks for schlepping Shim to band practice all those months/years!!! its really paying off! and shim is the first signed musician ive met who wasn't a dickhead! kudos to you Mr Moore!



Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 18:41
by Hollee
For starters, welcome to the Crew, Mr. Moore! We're happy to see you here. :hug:

Thank you so much for letting us know about the new movie. I hope we get a chance to see it in the US.

Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 22 Jul 2011 14:59
by *J*
How exciting. What a great song to include in your movie! Thank you, and I can't wait to see it!

Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 23 Jul 2011 06:45
by Stacey
Welcome to the WC Mr. Moore,

What a great choice for the movie. I too hope I get the opportunity to seen it in it's entirety.

Re: Sick Puppies song featured in new movie

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 23:23
by dianemichelle
Hi Shim's dad! hehe :biggrin:

I just want to echo what everyone else has said!

-Thank you for sharing.
-Excellent song to choose, a personal fave. :wink:
-Hope I get to see it here in the USA.
-Oh, and your son is lovely, all around.

Congrats on the movie!