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Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 03 Feb 2013 03:56
by Toby
... Come on... They were originally from here, I don't get it..
Starting to lose hope and interest...
Re: Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 03 Feb 2013 09:13
by RenzoN
Of course they will come back to Australia, but they are very busy with the new album. They will start touring after the release and i'm sure they will go to Australia and Europe also. The only thing we could do is wait.
Re: Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 03 Feb 2013 12:59
by Toby
The last time they came to Australia was as a support act...
Hardly worth the money when you didn't like the headlining act at all, it's like they barely tried to promote there albums here, they better do it properly this time around...
Re: Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 04 Feb 2013 14:13
by Speedynek
Well they officially released Tri-Polar 4th April 2011 in Europe so they are making little worldwide steps so we can hope and help them to promote all around the world!
Re: Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 04 Feb 2013 16:03
by stephb
I'm sure they will do what they can but you also have to remember the cost of transporting all their "stuff" that far. You never know what the new album and corresponding tour dates may bring.
Re: Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 04 Feb 2013 17:18
by sum1special
Not to mention, they can't just throw a dart at a map and say "We'll play here next." It also has to do with the record company and management
Re: Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 04 Feb 2013 20:31
by angelbear425
Re: Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 04 Feb 2013 21:21
by stephb
But throwing a dart and going might be fun
Re: Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 05 Feb 2013 05:16
by Speedynek
And also they have to be popular there and see some feedback from radio stations in that country etc..
Re: Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 05 Feb 2013 08:21
by CoasterJake
Re: Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 05 Feb 2013 10:52
by Speedynek
There are so many elements which determine if they will tour there, there or there.. You can't just start losing interest about band because they don't have a concert in your country..
In Czech Republic we don't have many concerts here se we can just only hope or visit big festivals in Europe to see our favorite bands..
Re: Are they ever coming back to Australia?
Posted: 06 Feb 2013 05:44
by Stacey
My suggestion is this....why not help them out. Get your friends to help you request their music and build up a great fan base there........couldn't hurt....jumping ship is what will hurt.