SPWC Facebook Contest: 'Sick Puppies Trivia Week'

Anything and everything you'd like to discuss about the band, their music, etc.
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SPWC Facebook Contest: 'Sick Puppies Trivia Week'

Unread postby chandra » 22 Aug 2013 12:21


This Saturday, August 24th, 2013, will mark the beginning of 'Sick Puppies Trivia Week' on the SPWC Facebook page!

One SP related trivia question will be posted every day at 2:00 P.M. (PST) from August 24th to August 30th.

The first person to submit the correct answer to the question of the day (via PRIVATE FACEBOOK MESSAGE) will win a free Tri-Polar sticker!



- This contest is open to anyone who would like to participate, however, if you are a SPWC ambassador, please keep in mind that you will not be in the running to receive a prize.

- All answers MUST be sent to us via Private Facebook Message (this can be done easily by hovering over our name at the top of our posts and clicking the 'message button').

- Anyone who posts an answer as a 'comment', or in any format other than that of a Private Facebook Message, will be disqualified. If this happens more than once, the contest will be discontinued, and therefore ruined for everyone.

Let's all do our best to keep things as fair as possible for everyone involved, by keeping these rules in mind!

Have fun, and good luck to everyone!

Feel free to come hang out with me on the book of faces: http://www.facebook.com/chandra.sylvio

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