A DVD of any kind is a wonderful idea!
I really love ones with Behind the Scenes antics with the band and stuff. Makes you feel special, like you're on tour with them. It's also fun when they interview each other, the band members, or tell stories about tour and each other. It'd be awesome to have a live performance DVD with some extras on it like that.
It'd be great to record a show or maybe multiple shows?? and take the best footage from each? and make it available on a DVD. The live show is the place to be afterall, right? And for those of us who've not had the pleasure--that'd be the next best thing and those who have been to shows--this could stir up some memories AND/OR be a great thing to be able to show others and find some new fans!! -By having an actual professional and fun video to show them.
Ok, I'm rambling, but this idea has me all excited!

hehe. I can film-- anyone got a camera? Let's do this!

j/j (sort of)