So Merch Needy!

Anything and everything you'd like to discuss about the band, their music, etc.
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So Merch Needy!

Unread postby dianemichelle » 31 Jul 2011 23:39

Soooo I have been replying to the 2011 Merch Line thread so much, I thought maybe I should just start a new one about my merch neediness/ideas/wishes. hehe.

I'm a newer fan, so I'm super pumped! :crazy: You've all been there, right? So bear with me. :oops:

Besides a LIVE DVD--which I see many of us wish for in our dreams at night...I was thinking of what I'd like to have to show SP support. What about a bracelet? You know all those plastic ones like at Hot Topic, that's easier and cheaper to produce I bet. However, what if we stepped it up a bit and did like a metal and/or leather one? With SP on it? And/or lyrics engraved on the other side? They'd be more expensive but may last longer than the trendy ones--and prob are more rock and roll. haha :rock:

I rotate wearing a ton of bracelets, so I know I would love to have one. Anyway, just musings, ideas, like I said. Just wanting to find new ways for a fan to quietly show support. Wanted to get it out and see if I'm not alone. Bueller?

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Re: So Merch Needy!

Unread postby angelbear425 » 01 Aug 2011 08:29

They do have rubber bracelets at shows like the kind they sell at Hot Topic. They are the wider kind (Like Jac Vanek style) and say Free hugs and Sick Puppies (white with black font). They are definitely cool! :smile:

There is another thread similar to this where we discussed what merch stuff we would like the band to have, but I can't find it at the moment. Some of the other ideas were wallets, You're Going Down panties, sweatpants, umm other stuff that I can't remember right now.. :laugh:

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Re: So Merch Needy!

Unread postby Becky » 01 Aug 2011 10:20

Yep, there was even a "survivor" game to determine what kind of merch people want the most.

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Re: So Merch Needy!

Unread postby RenzoN » 01 Aug 2011 14:11

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Re: So Merch Needy!

Unread postby dlcramer » 01 Aug 2011 17:38

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Re: So Merch Needy!

Unread postby dianemichelle » 01 Aug 2011 23:14

hahahaha! :laugh: Thanks for sharing that with me. I now understand that quote about panties by Becky that someone has in their sig. :smile:

Well, it figures that this has already been discussed. Sorry. Like I said, I'm pretty new to this forum stuff, and I find it hard to determine where and when subjects have been talked about. I do like the idea of underwear, but I have to say, I've never called them panties. Sounds way too little girly. hehe. :tongue:

And of course they already have bracelets! Such smart cookies. When I make it to a show, I will def have to pick one up there. I just had a late-night brainstorming session while watching some concert footage (and ordering my new Emma shirt!)

Thanks for sharing! :music:

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Re: So Merch Needy!

Unread postby Adre » 02 Aug 2011 18:26

"you're going down panties" Is a win on both ends.

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Re: So Merch Needy!

Unread postby *J* » 02 Aug 2011 18:28

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Re: So Merch Needy!

Unread postby Crazzzy » 03 Aug 2011 10:51

Check out my band

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