Name ONE thing you love most about each member of the band

Anything and everything you'd like to discuss about the band, their music, etc.
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Name ONE thing you love most about each member of the band

Unread postby SAMMUS » 09 Aug 2011 21:12

This is probably going to be a REALLY hard question to answer!!
If you could only name ONE thing about each member (Shim, Emma, Mark) that you love most, what would it be?!

Shim: His spastic-ness!
Emma: Her stage performance/presence!
Mark: His chill-ness!

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Re: Name ONE thing you love most about each member of the ba

Unread postby ValentinThirteen » 10 Aug 2011 05:10

That is really hard ><
Hm...I haven't gotten the pleasure of meeting them yet but
Shim-His creativity, I kind of look up to him for that...I think Shim's cool.
Mark-He always seems to be so chill and funny :cool:
Emma-The way she rocks on the bass (so much energy!) :rock: and looks awesome doing so :oops:
(I think that's two things XD)

They all seem like good people

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Re: Name ONE thing you love most about each member of the ba

Unread postby PushyGirl86 » 10 Aug 2011 05:56

Oh hard one.....I LOVE IT!

Shim: is sweetness
Emma: hard rockn' sweet heart
Mark: mr. Cool

I want to say more! Damn that's hard! Lol


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Re: Name ONE thing you love most about each member of the ba

Unread postby DXCrue » 18 Aug 2011 07:17

Shim strikes me as one of those artistic types. Like the guy who shows up late to the bar, and succesfully chats up the girl you were talking to, a charms her any with poetry while your left with an odd mixture of anger and respect. He just ozzes that vibe, and I can see why girls are crazy about him :)

Emma is one of those musicans that when they say "there just in it for the music" you can really belive them. Everything about her attitude, how she feels about the band, the enegry she gives when she preformers; music is her life and the band is her passion. While she's probaly not the cool bass player who be fun as hell to party with (See Michale Anthony :), and is most defntly the serious one in the studio, her work ethic just really impresses me.

Mark is the perfect every man. If Rage Against The Machine taught us anything is that there's no way a band can take themselves too seriously for too long without them imploding. Mark keeps his cool, and keeps things in perspective and the one I most indenftify with. Helps that I dabble in drumming :) Perosnaly, I can see him being the one who keeps everyone laughing when tensions get high, and somebody already said, he's just cool as hell. Give Dressed Up As Life a spin, and listen to his drumming. His fills are just SICK. Rock on Mark!

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Re: Name ONE thing you love most about each member of the ba

Unread postby SAMMUS » 18 Aug 2011 08:55

DXCrue LOVE your answer, in-depth and awesome!

I agree on all points with you. Shim does seem that way lol Emma is amazingly passionate and professional and Mark is the chill/cool tension breaker!
Sick Puppies are SICK. No better combination of players could be put together to equal their AWESOMENESS!! <3
:rock: :music: :rock: :music:

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Re: Name ONE thing you love most about each member of the ba

Unread postby ValentinThirteen » 18 Aug 2011 14:50

"I wish that things were still the way they used to be... but only for a day just so I could say that I remember you."

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Re: Name ONE thing you love most about each member of the ba

Unread postby DXCrue » 19 Aug 2011 12:45

lol. I and thought I was thinking waaay to hard about this. :laugh: But thanks guys :) Honestly, I couldn't just pick on reason to like everyone in the band. So I sorta cheated ;) The induvials who come toghetr and make up a band always facsinate me. How people so diffrent mesash toghetr and create music. It's why I'm into rock biographies so much, and want to be a music journalist someday.

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