SPWC Fan of the Week #33

Anything and everything you'd like to discuss about the band, their music, etc.
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SPWC Fan of the Week #33

Unread postby chandra » 19 Jun 2013 11:31

Introducing Michelle Chaffee, our Fan of the Week!

When did you first hear about the band?
"I first heard Sick Puppies when 'You're Going Down' was on the trailer for 'My Soul to Take.'

What is your favorite song?
"Probably Odd One, because I tend to be really weird and I love being different, but when I was younger, just a little before I heard Odd One, I was bullied and tormented for being myself so I started hiding my differences and I felt really alone, then I heard that song and it really impacted how I felt and now I embrace my differences and always be myself."

Are you a member of the SPWC forum? If so, why did you decide to join?
"Yes, I thought it world be a great way to become a part of the world that involves my favorite band."

Where are you from?
"I'm from Layton, Utah."

Why do you love them?
"Well, aside from the way I'm able to connect to the music and always find comfort in it, it's sorta the first thing my older sister and I were able to connect on. We used to never agree on anything, we got into fights all the time because we are such different people, but she came across the 'My Soul to Take' trailer and really liked the song and looked up more and showed it to me, and it seemed like we finally agreed on something. I know it's probably not entirely because of Sick Puppies, but now we are really close and connect on so many things, and despite the little annoyances we have with each other, we are really close and hardly ever get in fights. Even when we do, they don't last more than a day, and I know that some of my friends with an older, or younger sister don't have that sort of relationship with them."

Fun facts:
"Not really anything that relates to Sick Puppies, but I sew, I'm a published poet, and I'm a complete and utter nerd."

Feel free to come hang out with me on the book of faces: http://www.facebook.com/chandra.sylvio

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Re: SPWC Fan of the Week #33

Unread postby WonSickPuppy » 19 Jun 2013 14:52

Nice interview! I was just in her home town about a month ago. Its only about 5 hours away.

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Re: SPWC Fan of the Week #33

Unread postby *J* » 19 Jun 2013 14:54

Great interveiw. My sister and I connect a lot with music too!

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