I'll never be what I see on the TV screen
I just keep dreaming of what I'm never gonna be
I can't think of a better way to waste my time then try
This is going to sound a tad pathetic, but when I was a freshman in college, this was my rock. I would spend 8 hours or more in the gym every single day and starve myself to the point where my stomach eventually started eating itself. I thought that was the only way I'd ever get to where people would like me, if I was super super skinny.
Needless to say, that was before I found all of my ambassiefamily. I was an ambassador, yes, but I hadn't really met anyone yet. Whenever I hear this part of the song, I can't believe how much my life has changed since when I so desperately wanted these lines as a tattoo....
It went from sad and depressing to full of fun and family and knowing that I'll always have people looking out for me, no matter how lonely I may feel at times.
This does no justice for how much this song means to me, but it's a tiny tiny taste at least.