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Unread postby dreamchayser » 22 Jul 2008 15:27

Ok... me, my g/f and my 3 y/o moved into a basement apartment a few months ago... we have a bedroom, half bath (no shower or bathtub, just a toilet and sink) a living room and no kitchen. We had been sharing the upstairs kitchen and shower. She decided that she was going to start a daycare and told us that we were not allowed to use to kitchen or bathroom (shower or tub) from 6am until 6:30pm... wtf. I have a 3 y/o who needs to eat, let alone bathe... that' s illegal. What upsets me even more is that she said she isn't renewing my lease becase we go "against her morals" and she "won't have that in her house." (because we are lesbians with a child. Yet we were friends with her and she knew this all along... ) So, I'm sitting here at my desk, in tears, trying to figure out what we're going to do... I could really use a hug! :cry:

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby Crystal » 22 Jul 2008 15:29

I'm so sorry to hear about your situation... :cry: :hug:

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby nicolenice » 22 Jul 2008 15:37

I am sorry to hear that. If you do have a lease for now atleast you are still able to use the kitchen and shower when you want. And if she knew all that when you guys moved then it should not be a problem she is most likely just using that as a lame excuse. I hope it all works out and sorry again.

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby dreamchayser » 22 Jul 2008 15:38

Thanks... and the kicker was she wouldn't tell me in person; she sent it to me in a text message. I hate ppl sometimes.

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby nicolenice » 22 Jul 2008 15:40

Wow text message that is horrible. Have you confronted her yet to talk like adults or is she hiding out.

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby hshiau » 22 Jul 2008 15:53

sorry to hear that. btw, if you were the confrontational type...
1. since it's illegal in the first place for her to rent that space, you could report her
2. since she's probably also not reporting the rent on her income taxes, you could report her
3. it's almost definitely illegal for her to run a daycare there so guess what. you could report her
4. since it's illegal for her to rent to you, she can't really evict you.

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby dreamchayser » 22 Jul 2008 17:15

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby dreamchayser » 22 Jul 2008 17:18

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby Missy » 22 Jul 2008 19:09

First off.... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Second of all: Did you sign anything with her? If so... Does it mention the use of the kitchen/bathroom or where you are "renting" in specifics? If things were done appropriately, you may even be able to sue her. Dang... I watch too much tv lol But seriously. If you signed anything, you need to go over it word for word and if there is anything that doesn't fit, make sure you report her/sue her. That is just not right. If it is going against her morals that you are a lesbian, then she must be a pick and choose kind of morals person. It is obvious that anyone who actually DOES have morals wouldn't do that to a person, let alone a friend! I hope it all works out for you!

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby Samsung » 22 Jul 2008 19:09

If shes refusing to let your child shower or eat, isn't that child endangerment?
Thats illegal.

That really sucks and I'm so sorry. :hug:

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby Becky » 22 Jul 2008 19:16

Wow I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you are able to figure things out quickly.

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby dreamchayser » 22 Jul 2008 19:30

Thank you guys... I have been sitting here in tears and you guys are just awesome.

I am going to check the lease (something kept telling me before we moved in to get a lease... it's only a 3-month one, but a lease nonetheless... good thing we got one!) and see what's up. I'm going to call housing in the morning, as well as whoever handles licensing for daycares... her reason for not letting us use the kitchen or bathroom was because she is starting a daycare and didn't want them knowing we were living there, so she didn't have to pay for background checks. So she said we're not allowed to use them from 6am till 6:30pm. Well, that's not our problem that she wants to be shady. We're going to use the kitchen and bathroom anyway. She can't deny us that. IF she wants to push the issue, I have no problem slapping a discrimination lawsuit on her. Ugggh!!!

I'm also going to send her a certified letter notifying her that we will not be paying rent due to the window not being repaired (I checked with the Maryland attorney general's website, and it is legal as long as it is certified... and I'll keep the rent put aside in case need to pay her). What is she going to do, try to evict us? lol. Oh well... time to go back to try to do some work.


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Re: wtf?

Unread postby Crystal » 22 Jul 2008 20:27

I'm glad that you're willing to stand up for yourself. No one deserves to be treated like that... Especially not a sweetheart like you! Everything will work out for the best, I'm sure of it. :hug:

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby kitty » 22 Jul 2008 21:06

OMFG!!! How can people look at themselves in the mirror everyday? She will meet her maker one day soon. I would definately get a hold of the nearest housing project near you,also check out the housing rights in your state and /or community/county. Not only what she is doing is illigal but IMMORAL!!! My best friend is a lesbien and her and I had a discussion a long time ago about my daughter, in case, god forbid something were to happen to me. I am not close with my family at all and am very close to her and asked her if she would mind taking on the responsibility of raising my daughter as she knows her very well as we are all like family. I don't care what they do in the bedroom.I care what kind of person she is and how she would treat my daughter. Back ground checks need to be done in order to run a daycare..they should send someone over to look the place over,to make sure that it is a facility that kids are safe in,broken windows and refusing to fix? And she wants to take care of children? We have pretty strict guidelines for renters here in Vt which is good. Some people who rent have no clue...but I do! Learned the hard way. I was turned down so many times by different people who I was trying to rent from as I receive section 8. My section 8 worker was pissed! As all those people were doing something illigal. They loked down on me..I could've fought it but why rent from someone with morals like that is what I told her. Hope all goes well. :hug:

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby Missy » 22 Jul 2008 21:06

:comfort: Good luck... And make sure to keep us updated, k?

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Unread postby dreamchayser » 23 Jul 2008 12:31

Ok, where do I even start?!?!?!?!?!? She sent me a text while my g/f was driving me to work saying that she changed the locks and our stuff will be out in the rain tonight. She said she is the homeowner and can do whatever she wants, and she claims there isn't a lease. She said the police dept said she was fully within her right to kick us out. Sorry, but without a court order, you cannot kick someone out... Susan is going to go over there with a friend of ours and have the cops escort her there... I'm just so upset right now... :cry: :cry: :cry: I'll post more when I find out what happens...

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby xprettyinpunkash » 23 Jul 2008 12:48

Ohh dear. I'm so sorry that happened to you! But your right, it's illegal. I'm sure that before you know it, things will be alright. It just might take a little bit. But we're all here in your support! No one needs to go through that.
:hug: Hopes for the best! ^-^

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby Crystal » 23 Jul 2008 19:51

What a horrible update... I'm so sorry. :cry: My thoughts are with you. It's hard to believe that someone could be so cold and heartless but I know things will work out. :hug:

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Re: wtf?

Unread postby Missy » 23 Jul 2008 23:02

I HIGHLY doubt the police said she was within her rights! If that was the case, it wouldn't have been sent through a text message! She most likely said that to make you "think" she knows what she is doing, when in all reality she is totally screwing herself. Make sure to keep all the text messages she sent you. They can be used for further reference. I'm so sorry you have to go through this! Just remember, we are here if you need us! :hug: And if all else fails... We will form an angry mob!

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it never ends...

Unread postby dreamchayser » 08 Aug 2008 05:43

ok, so here is another update... she has started going psycho, stalking and harrassing me and my g/f... changed the locks and has been threatening all sorts of stuff. Went to courthouse, got a restraining order, and got a lawyer.. he's going after her for all sorts of things, emotional distress, illegal eviction, and I don't remember what else. Long story short... I'm going to enjoy watching her get caught in all her lies. She has been sending all sorts of emails, texts... hacked into my g/f's myspace and then called her to tell her she did it. Seriously, she has issues. I feel better now that we got a lawyer involved... now time to just sit back and watch things play out. lol.

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