I think I've told this story before, but my friend Zack, who I like to refer to him as our "new age hippie" put up the free hugs video in a blog. I watched it and I thought the message was incredible, but the song had me completely hooked. I did a little bit of research, and the next day I talked to Zack about it. Apparently he was already planning a free hugs event at our school, so when I mentioned how much I loved the video, he asked if I would like to join him with his Free Hugs day...of course I did. I then became friends with someone else who knew of the band and had the cd and HIGHLY recommended it. I think I went out and bought it that weekend. Since then I have been hooked! So far I have brought a group of different people with me to their shows and then they all get hooked. I say NETWORKING is GOLDEN!
Not to get off topic, but Zack has written a book called "Tongue-In-A-Teenagers-Cheek: A guide to relationships, society, and you". I am proof reading it and he is about to sign with an agent, so look for it some time next year. It AWESOME and incredibly insightful.