Dark poems from the heart

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Dark poems from the heart

Unread postby sunrise_87 » 03 Nov 2008 23:06


My tears just keeping coming down
As my heart starts to fade away
Dark, black corner is all I see
Never thought I would feel this way

With my eyes blindly distracted
And my laugh is sadly lost
People start with such hated judgment
My misery is their happiness’ cost

Be thankful you don’t live my life
Too much pain for you to ever feel
I barely survived the chaos that is brought to me
My anti-social ways is my only shield

People seem to hate me for no reason
Yet others say I’m too nice for my good
Why cant people just make up their mind about me
For they just judge me before they should


My body drifts away from me
Thoughts of life uncontrollably race
Love is suppose to be so wonderful
Not something I'm suppose to chase

How can i tell who really loves me
Are their words really the truth
I wonder these things everyday
That’s why I’m stuck in my isolation booth

I run away from everything good
Thinking in the end it will only bring pain
Everyday it comes back to haunt me
My dreams are filled with so much shame

Why cant i just stop running for once
Stop worrying about what others think
But pleasing them is all i know
So my depression gets worse with every blink


I sit in my room and cry
With each passing night
Only to wake to the world
That brought me this dark light

Nobody’s around to save me
As these moments pass
Each lover is lost in my heart
Just like the one past

Who is there to turn to
In these, my darkest hours
My hopes and dreams crumble
As my fears continue tower

Nobody said I was perfect
They all just assume
I tried to reach their expectations
But in the end I’m doomed

Troubled and Lost

As the stars shine so bright up there
My heart turns an evil, rich black
The people around me don’t know what to say
So all they do is sit and laugh

They laugh because I’m different
When all i tried to so was be the same
My wrists turn red as i start to bleed
And as it runs down it washes away my pain

Nobody can see the pain I carry around
While everybody thinks that they get me
Through my life all i have done is hide
Therefore the real me, they couldn’t see

I walk around with a smile on my face
Hoping nobody sees through my disguise
For I am scared of what will happen
When somebody is able to watch all my lies

Caught in a world with no escape except death
Brings my hurting heart down more each day
I dont know how much i can take anymore
Soon in the ground is where I may lay

Dont stop me from going, there is no use
Because I already know how much people care
The choice is one that I must make
All I have to say is life isn’t fair

Let Me Lead You

You might not understand
At least not all that you think
Right now life maybe rough
But it can all get worse with a single blink

I’m trying to make you stronger
But your eyes show so much fear
There is only so hard I can push
Until you start to shed your tears

Don’t hide your thoughts and feelings
All that does is lead to lies
You have to open your world to me
Otherwise I’m forced to say goodbye

I want to show you the fun you can have
Because with your eyes closed you cant see
Take my hand and I will lead you
All you have to do is trust me

No More

Sweet death come take me now
For I want nothing more than to die
Whatever your way is to kill me
Do it now and forever will I lie

The quicker the better for me
Just make it short and sweet
Im late for a special appointment
The one where death and I meet

He will just look at me and see
The hopeless, broken child inside
The one who wanted nothing more than to be free
But instead I pushed her down and made her hide

She only made me look weak and small
The way I felt when I was young
This world around me never saw her
Cuz I just hid her and acted as if she were shunned

Forgive me for all I have done
And look past all of my lies
I just wanted to make this cruel world better
Because all it does is make people cry

But I see now I just made it worse
And all I have given wasnt enough
Once me and the pain that I bring go away
Life for everybody will get alot less tough.

Hugs for everybody!

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Re: Dark poems from the heart

Unread postby iyasu13 » 11 Dec 2008 18:14

very talented

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Re: Dark poems from the heart

Unread postby Cassandra » 02 Jan 2009 20:06

You are totally talented. ^^

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Re: Dark poems from the heart

Unread postby My World » 25 Jan 2009 10:30

I realy like your last poem

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