please help my band

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please help my band

Unread postby cancer89 » 28 Jun 2011 23:00

guys, we are trying to network as much as possible to get our music out there! i am not some random person that just joined the forum to use it to get hits. i truley love Sick Puppies since they came out with All the same and My world. dont believe me? i have videos of me covering their songs!

please check out my band MisMatch, and like us on fb! it'd mean alot to me and my band

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Re: please help my band

Unread postby Ceallach » 18 Aug 2011 10:07

:wave: hi cancer69 -

I had a :idea: a couple of years ago.
After some time thinking it out, brainstorming names and approaches with my (awesome) musician friends...and 2 years of those activities...
We recently started a FB group (Florida Organic Homegrown -shameless promo plug :cool: ) that was created with the sole purpose of connecting performers, all genres, from across Florida (ergo the 'Homegrown').
Hopefully it will provide a useful networking source for finding bands with similar interests, to book gigs with, locating venues in different regions of the state that support indie music...
AND to expose music lovers to new bands that they might never have learned about, otherwise....increasing fan-base, leading to higher demand for shows....and so on.
There's no cost, management offered, or anything of that nature - just music people sharing and working together to build a better music scene.
After creating it about a week ago, it's already beginning to grow faster than I could have imagined, with some AMAZING feedback that makes me feel happy to be helping not only "my" bands - but others, as well. I dream that it grows to the point that I can find the means to create an actual website for FOH!

My payment for this endeavor? The knowledge that maybe my random idea may serve to lift at least ONE person to the place to see their dreams come true. (Ok, maybe a few, tix to good shows...LOL!!)

Maybe you could create something similar - just by starting out with your band members, other bands you know, your loyal fans, it may surprise you how quick you'll receive "add" requests!
I've posted the link on the walls of the most popular radio stations - local and out-of-town - I've joined forces with LGA (Love Gone Apparel, who endorses the PUPS!) to help me spread the word, as they wander from concert to concert, sporting VIP badges, any connection made makes the "music-web" grow!

If you want suggestions, ask me (PM or join the group on FB, just to see how it progresses), if you have suggestions: I'm open, this is new and unexplored territory, so no thoughts are disregarded.

I designed and copyrighted the logo, to fit the concept, and created a basic "mission statement" that, though it needs refining, provides the background.
Feel free to check it out for ideas!

Good luck and LET'S SPREAD THE MUSIC!!!


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